Kertoimet Arizona Coyotes - Montreal Canadiens 03/11, USA - NHL
Arizona Coyotes | Montreal Canadiens |
Nick Bjugstad N. Bjugstad 1P | 03:22 | |
1-0 Nick Schmaltz N. Schmaltz 1P | 06:17 | |
07:13 |
Sean Monahan
S. Monahan
Brendan GallagherB. Gallagher (Maalisyöttö) |
Michael Carcone M. Carcone | 11:57 | |
Michael Carcone M. Carcone 2P | 12:18 | |
17:18 | Joel Armia J. Armia | |
Lawson Crouse
L. Crouse
Matias MaccelliM. Maccelli (Maalisyöttö) Nick BjugstadN. Bjugstad (2. maalisyöttäjä) 2P |
19:21 | |
Clayton Keller C. Keller 3P | 01:24 | |
02:59 3P |
Brendan Gallagher
B. Gallagher
Tanner PearsonT. Pearson (Maalisyöttö) Alex NewhookA. Newhook (2. maalisyöttäjä) |
05:22 | Arber Xhekaj A. Xhekaj | |
Nick Schmaltz
N. Schmaltz
Logan CooleyL. Cooley (Maalisyöttö) Clayton KellerC. Keller (2. maalisyöttäjä) |
06:07 | |
Matias Maccelli M. Maccelli | 08:42 | |
11:16 | Justin Barron J. Barron | |
13:55 | Mike Matheson M. Matheson |
When is Arizona Coyotes playing Montreal Canadiens next?
Montreal Canadiens-Arizona Coyotes is playing on 2024-02-28 01:00:00, in NHL
Where will Arizona Coyotes play Montreal Canadiens next?
Arizona Coyotes will play Montreal Canadiens in Bell Centre in Montreal, Kanada
Who is the referee in Montreal Canadiens-Arizona Coyotes?
[referee] is the referee in [hometeam] - [awayteam]