Kertoimet Seattle Kraken - Philadelphia Flyers 30/12, USA - NHL
Seattle Kraken | Philadelphia Flyers |
Justin Schultz J. Schultz 1P | 09:41 | |
15:59 | Joel Farabee J. Farabee | |
16:21 1P |
Travis Konecny
T. Konecny
Scott LaughtonS. Laughton (Maalisyöttö) Travis SanheimT. Sanheim (2. maalisyöttäjä) |
Tomas Tatar T. Tatar 2P | 16:13 | |
05:26 3P | Tyson Foerster T. Foerster | |
Vince Dunn
V. Dunn
Oliver BjorkstrandO. Bjorkstrand (Maalisyöttö) Alexander WennbergA. Wennberg (2. maalisyöttäjä) 3P |
05:45 | |
Tye Kartye T. Kartye | 12:20 | |
Justin Schultz
J. Schultz
Oliver BjorkstrandO. Bjorkstrand (Maalisyöttö) Yanni GourdeY. Gourde (2. maalisyöttäjä) ET |
02:35 |
When is Seattle Kraken playing Philadelphia Flyers next?
Philadelphia Flyers-Seattle Kraken is playing on 2024-02-11 01:00:00, in NHL
Where will Seattle Kraken play Philadelphia Flyers next?
Seattle Kraken will play Philadelphia Flyers in Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, USA
Who is the referee in Philadelphia Flyers-Seattle Kraken?
[referee] is the referee in [hometeam] - [awayteam]